2014-10-20 21:21 GMT+02:00 Paul Morris <p...@paulwmorris.com>:
> Anyone happen to know if there are any compatibility problems with LilyPond
> or Frescobaldi on the new Mac OSX 10.10 (Yosemite)?

Speaking of Frescobaldi, if you installed it with MacPorts, I advise
you to wait some time before upgrading: the buildbot for Yosemite has
not been set up yet, so in the meanwhile all ports are built from
source and this takes a lot of hours (in my experience about 6-7, half
of them for Qt4).
Anyway, if you use MacPorts, when you upgrade your OS you should
follow the migration instructions:

The experimental standalone application should work, but I can't test
since I don't own a Yosemite-capable machine.

I cannot speak for Homebrew since I don't use it.

> I have no reason to expect that there would be, but it would be nice to know
> before upgrading.

I also have no reason to expect problems with either Frescobaldi or
LilyPond, but I have no way to test, as I said.

Best wishes.

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