On Oct 14, 2014, at 3:30 PM, Peter Crighton wrote:

> 2014-10-14 21:54 GMT+02:00 Patrick or Cynthia Karl <pck...@mac.com>:
> When I compile the following:
>  \version "2.19.15"
> Drum  = \drummode {
>   \set Staff.midiInstrument =#"woodblock"
>   hiwoodblock4 wbh8 wbh wbh wbh wbh4
>   r4 r8 wbh8 r4 r8 wbh8
>   wbh4 \repeat unfold 12  { wbh16  }
> }
> \score {
>   \new DrumStaff \with { drumStyleTable = #percussion-style
>                                           \override StaffSymbol.line-count = 
> #1 }
>                                      \Drum
>   \layout { }
>   \midi { }
> }
> the midi notes appear on channel 10 as they should, but they are overlaid by 
> what appears to be another percussion instrument playing the following 
> simultaneously:
>     \repeat unfold 3 { toml4\f toml\p toml toml }
> i.e., it sounds like a 4-beat metronome.  Here I am using toml only because I 
> don't know what percussion instrument is actually involved.
> What might be the explanation for this?  and how to stop it?
> I don’t get this behaviour (in 2.19.13).
> How do you playback the MIDI file? Are the metronome-notes actually in the 
> MIDI file, or does your MIDI player software maybe have a metronome activated?

Thanks for the information.  I was using a midi player called Sweet Midi 
Player.  I recompiled my problem file with lilypond v2.18.2 and found that I 
still had the problem.  Then I played both midi's with QuickTime 7; there was 
no problem.

Futher investigation showed that Sweet Midi Player did have an option to output 
metronome clicks on channel 10, and that it was enabled.  I disabled it and the 
problem disappeared.

Again,  thanks.
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