thanks a lot david, i learned a lot from studying this!

looks like there would be two options to get lilypond to report pitch info:

\void \displayLilyMusic       % types absolute pitches to console
\include ""  % writes file w/midi numbers

but your example inspired me to figure it out in scheme, see attached.  i
would think auto-fingering-diagrams would be of general interest -- is it
worth submitting either to the snippet library or the core scm library?
some questions:
- how could i pass an argument to the engraver (like 'recorder, to tell it
what diagrams to use)?
- i can't find doc on make-engraver -- are there any?
- this method ignored the layout overrides i need (that worked on manually
entered markups):
  how do i get them back?
- i like your 'display-fingering property, but i removed it for simplicity
while trying to learn, i'll add it back...

i also found,
which seems like it should also work and is simpler than defining a new
engraver.  however, i can't figure out how to find the right
object/property to give a note/column a markup.  NoteHead.text doesn't do
anything.  where do i look this up?

ancillary layout q's:
- getting the diagrams to line up looks impossible -- staff-padding isn't
general enough -- woodwind diagrams are tall, of variable height, and their
reference point is typically at their bottom.  can staff-padding be
sensitive to variable heights and appropriate for either above/below the
staff?  also, there seems to be no way to account for staff objects that
extend beyond the anticipated amount.  why not be able to assign objects to
arbitrary groupings, and then apply justification/alignment rules to those
groups?  this could lead to contradictory constraints, but that could just
be an error.

- it took me a while to realize i had to set TextScript.staff-padding, not
some other object like DynamicLineSpanner (which
suggests works even for non-spanning objects
) -- where are objects/properties comprehensively listed?

- why can't i \context {\Score staff-padding = #5}?

- self-alignment-X is behaving strangely -- on the first line, the diagrams
align to the left note in a chord, but to the right note on subsequent
lines.  why?

- i can't find anything along the lines
of VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-unrelatedstaff-spacing that will give me
additional spacing between lines, and the diagrams are crowding the next
line.  where do i look this up?

- and of course, if anyone can help me figure out why that 1h
('half-covered') works for eg flute, but not on my recorder thumb :(

thanks alot for the help!

Attachment: recorder
Description: Binary data

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