Does anyone know how to get the completion heads engraver assigned to one voice to play nicely with fractional values? Compare the two scores below:
\score { << \new Staff { \new Voice \with { \remove "Note_heads_engravaer" \consists "Completion_heads_engraver" } \relative c'' { \time 2/4 a1*5/8 a a a } } \new Staff \new Voice \relative c'' { \time 2/4 a4 a a a a a } >> } } \score { << \new Staff { \new Voice \relative c'' { \time 2/4 a1*5/8 a a a } } \new Staff \new Voice \relative c'' { \time 2/4 a4 a a a a a } >> } \layout { \context { \Voice \remove "Note_heads_engraver" \consists "Completion_heads_engraver" } }} I’d like the two scores to yield the result of the second one while being able to consists and remove engravers on a voice-by-voice basis. Cheers, MS _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list