

“\newSpacingSection” worked, although it had to be inserted before each 
measure. Is that expected?


Thank you.




From: David Nalesnik [mailto:david.nales...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 10:49 AM
To: Mark Stephen Mrotek
Cc: Shane Brandes; LilyPond User Group
Subject: Re: spacing of triplets



On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 12:09 PM, Mark Stephen Mrotek 

>> When I extract the code for these measures, extracted.ly, the
>> triplets are more evenly spaced, extracted.pdf.
>> Where should I look for a remedy?
>> Thank you for your kind attention.
>> Mark Stephen Mrotek



The problem may be that the context has caused LilyPond to use a different base 
duration for spacing. 


I recognize this as part of the Mozart Fantasia in c minor--correct?  If that's 
what it is, the section before this is rather different rhythmically, and I 
assume that the program continues to use a base duration for spacing that is 
too large for the passage you've posted.  You might want to set a 
\newSpacingSection here.


Hope this helps,


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