That is very exciting.  I wrote a graduate paper integrating LilyPond and 
Gregorio with a LaTeX document, and it was very rewarding.  The most beautiful 
document I've written (visually, that is).  I look forward to reading this 
paper. (Provided it will be in English; if not, I'll have my priests translate 
it ;)
Conor Cook

> On Oct 3, 2014, at 5:52 AM, Davide Liessi <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> this summer I've been working with Tommaso Gordini on a paper titled
> "LilyPond: un music engraver integrabile LaTeX" ("LilyPond: a music
> engraver which can be integrated with LaTeX").
> The paper, written in Italian, is composed of three parts.
> In the first, we describe the peculiar traits of music printing with
> respect to text printing, the main problems that the printer has to
> face and an essential history of music printing.
> In the second, we present LilyPond, its strong points and some brief
> comparisons to other score writers.
> In the last part, we describe some techniques for using LilyPond
> inside LaTeX documents.
> We will present the paper at the XI annual conference on TeX, LaTeX
> and digital typography organized by the Italian TeX Users Group (GuIT
> meeting 2014), that will be held in Verona on Saturday 18 October. [1]
> (Verona is a city in northern Italy, halfway between Venice and Milan;
> yes, it is the city of Romeo and Juliet.)
> Participation to the meeting is free, but registration is recommended. [2]
> The proceedings of the meeting, including our paper, will then be
> published in ArsTeXnica, the journal of GuIT. [3]
> It will be available to GuIT members in print and PDF format; the PDF
> file will be freely available one year after publication.
> It has been a big work for us, and we learned a lot of things while we wrote 
> it.
> We hope that the readers will enjoy our paper as much as we enjoyed
> working on it.
> We also hope that our paper will help other people appreciate the
> subtleties of music engraving and the potentiality of LilyPond.
> Best wishes to all.
> Davide and Tommaso
> [1]
> [2] 
> [3]

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