> It works both on Windows and Linux. BTW. it should documented in '1.2 
> Command-line usage', shouldn't it?

It would not hurt to document it, but it is a basic functionality of the
shell and not directly of LilyPond. You can do it with any program:

ls *
mv * ../otherdirectory/

and so on. The functionality of LilyPond that contributes to this, is
that the lilypond command accepts not only a single file but also a list
of files.
In this sense, you are right:

1. The documentation could tell the reader that multiple files are possible.

2. As there is already a section that explains standard behaviour of the
shell, the * file globbing [1] could be added there.



[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glob_%28programming%29

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