Hello folks,

After scanning music, I noticed very late in the process of handling it with LP 
that some treble_8 clefs had been mistaken to « french » ones.

I’ve thus had to use transposition for some bars, such as in the example below.

Is there a command that can take this code as input and remove the 
transposition, producing code that  produces the same score? The output can be 
relative or absolute.

Thanks if you can help!


\version "2.18.2"

Tenor = \relative d' {
\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #all-visible

\clef "treble_8"
\key g \major \time 3/4

a8 [ ( b8 ] c4 ) c4 | % 2
b2 e8\noBeam d8 | % 3

% \clef "french"
\transpose g e' {
  r4 g4 cis4 | % 4
  d8\noBeam d8 d4 r4 | % 5
  r4 g4 cis4 | % 6
  d8\noBeam d8\noBeam d8\noBeam d8\noBeam d4 | % 7
  c!8 [ g8 ] f4 g4 | % 8

% \clef "treble_8"
b4 c4 g4 | % 9

\score {

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