Samuel Speer <> writes:

> No one's calling you an idiot.
> In your example, you create a variable called text and then define it
> as the first stanza. However, the second stanza is sort of just--
> hanging out there. Try renaming your first variable textOne and then
> before the second \lyricmode add textTwo = , then in your score you
> will add two lyric lines below the voice.
> textOne = \lyricmode {
> \set stanza = #"1. "
> here are | %m1
> the words | %m2
> }
> textTwo = \lyricmode {
> \set stanza = #"2. "
> here are | %m1
> more words | %m2
> }
> mySong = { c'2 d' e' f' }
> \score {
> <<
> \new Voice \mySong
> \addlyrics \textOne
> \addlyrics \textTwo
> }
Thanks for this, it helps. I'm struggling to understand this program
with very little background, and it is like spelunking without a
headlamp. Consequently, I fear asking questions that are not worth answering.

I thought I could get the entire "text" of the lyric entered as a single
variable, to keep my \score simple. Is it typical to break up a lyric
into several variables, and then reassemble them all in the \score block?

Part of my confusion stems from uncertainty regarding large form---how
to break things into variables and reassemble them in \score. I have no
sense of what the best practices are ... and, I admit, I have
not read the entire manual.

steven arntson

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