
On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 3:54 PM, Rus <> wrote:

> I imagine you could use \newSpacingSection.
> Please post the code that created the PDFs you attach, and I'm sure you'll
> get a solution to your liking.
> --David
> I attached the code which you have requested

Thanks.  That makes it easy for me to do a simple substitution.

There is no good way to arbitrarily move notes around like you want, except
by modifying horizontal spacing.

The first example in the attached file shows another drawback with
overriding X-offset of a NoteColumn--what if there are notes in another
simultaneous columns?  You'd have to move those as well.

You can ask for looser spacing in a small area by using the
\newSpacingSection command, which is documented here:

The second example shows how the spacing can be made looser and alignment

There's a command on openlilylib which makes modifying spacing more
convenient.  Can't recall the name, but I'm sure somebody reading this
could lead you to it.

Hope this helps,
\version "2.18.2"

  \new Staff
    \key f \major
    { c''4.(
      \once \override NoteColumn.X-offset = #2
      bes'8) }
    { a'4( g') }
  \new Staff
    \key f \major
    \clef bass
    { f'4( e'8 d') }
    { c2 }

  \new Staff
    \key f \major
      \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = #2
  \new Staff
    \key f \major
    \clef bass
    { f'4( e'8 d') }
    { c2 }
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