Hello everyone,
When it comes to adjusting vertical spacing using the flexible variables
and/or properties:

LilyPond gives you a lot of fine-grained control, a lot of "dials" you can
turn, and each of those dials is actually four dials.  For example:

\paper {
  score-system-spacing =
    #'((basic-distance . 12)
       (minimum-distance . 6)
       (padding . 1)
       (stretchability . 12))

This is great but it can be overwhelming.  Even if you only want to adjust
one of these dials, you probably want to do one of these:
  x = x + y
  x = x * z
rather than just:
  x = w 
and that requires accessing the current value or default for any given dial.

But often you may just want to adjust the vertical spacing overall (in
general), rather than specifically needing to adjust only one single aspect. 
To do this would basically mean changing every vertical spacing dial by the
same amount, in order to preserve the proportionality of the spacing. 
(You'd probably want to leave stretchability alone and only adjust
basic-distance, minimum-distance, and padding?)

And that seems like a job for a (user-defined) function that would provide a
single dial that would allow you to adjust the overall/general vertical
spacing, in an automated way, without distorting the default spacing
proportions.  Or perhaps two functions/dials, one for paper variables and
one for vertical spacing within systems?  

I didn't see anything like this in the LSR or in a quick search through the
mailing list archives.  I'm curious whether anyone has already gone down
this road?  I still need to give it a try to see if it can be done.


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