On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 11:23 AM, Jacques Menu <imj-...@bluewin.ch> wrote:
Hello folks,

I’d like to obtain the tie between the cis’s in beat 1 and 2 in the attached, from a version of BWV 508 (3/4).

The best I could find is:

\version "2.18.2"

\clef "treble" \key b \major \time 3/4

<cis ~ ais fis>4 )
  {fis8 --}
  {\hideNotes cis8 \unHideNotes}
fis8 ( [ ais fis ] |


Problem: \hideNotes applies to fis8 too, leading to the following, in which the tie applies to ais’s and not cis’s by the way:

Thanks for your help!



Jacques Menu
Ch. de la Pierre 12
1023 Crissier



You are really close. The way that I do it is to use explicit parallel voices like this:


\version "2.18.2"

pianoRH = \relative c {
 \clef treble
 \key b \major
 \time 3/4
\new Voice {
{ <fis ais cis>4 fis'8\noBeam fis ais fis
     \new Voice {
       \once \hideNotes <fis, ais cis ~ >4 <ais cis>4 q

{ \pianoRH }


I have yet to run into a problem with this approach. Actually, this kind of syntax solves a lot of other problems, too.

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