"Hwaen Ch'uqi" <hwaench...@gmail.com> writes:

> Greetings,
> I have never used `C-u C-h i', and my emacs is currently down, so I
> canot exactly replicate your situation. However, one thing I have
> consistently had to do with these installations is to manualy update
> the dir file in the /usr/share/info directory; this is why some files
> may not appear to be present upon first glance. Again, this will
> likely have to be done as root. Before making any changes to the file,
> study carefully its contents; you will want to emulate the format in
> your own additions. Basically, each entry consists of four parts. The
> first is the asterisk (*), which tells the info reader that a new
> entry has begun. The second is the title which you would like to see
> given in the main menu. I don't remember offhand, but it may be
> followed immediately by a colon (:); if so, you MUST include this. The
> third is the actual file names without the .info extension; make sure
> that it is placed in parentheses, matches exactly the case of the file
> name (since case sensitivity rules in linux), and is closed with a
> period (>) AFTER the parentheses. Finally, fourth is the short
> description of the file's contents. I have found that the last part is
> optional. Your current dir file will most likely not have a LilyPond
> section heading. You can easily instantiate one, preceding it with two
> newlines and following it with one. I recall that in ubuntu's
> installation, there was the possibility of quickly entering
> subsections of the LilyPond manuals. I don't know how to do this, but
> I believe that entries in the dir file should reveal this.
> One final note: I have found that, when adding or updating a program
> via the automated process, and if it comes with an info file, ubuntu
> will rewrite the dir file, and your contributions wil be missing. Not
> to panic! A backup file, dir~, will be made, and you should find your
> changes there. Copy them and insert them into the new dir file. It is
> a small inconvenience, but it is worth the ability to use the latest
> versions of LilyPond!
> I hope this answer was somewhat useful.
> Hwaen Ch'uqi
Thank you for the description---that all worked perfectly, and I can get
to everything with C-h i!

My only issue now is that in the manuals, none of the images display. In
every case where there would be a music example, it says, "[broken image]."

Thanks again, this is a much better situation already than what I had


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