On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Chris Trahan <trahan.ch...@gmail.com>

> On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 11:05 AM, Samuel Speer <samuelsp...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> You could copy the default footer and add [\fromproperty
>> #'header:revisiondate] to the [\on-the-fly \first-page] section. Then, in
>> your header section you could put [revisiondate = "6 August 2014"].
> Samuel,
> Where would I copy it from and where would I put it?
> Thanks,
> Chris

Sorry, I should have been more specific.

The default values come from titling-init.ly, in my copy (2.18.2) this is
what I find:

oddFooterMarkup = \markup {
  \column {
    \fill-line {
      %% Copyright header field only on first page in each bookpart.
      \on-the-fly #part-first-page \fromproperty #'header:copyright
    \fill-line {
      %% Tagline header field only on last page in the book.
      \on-the-fly #last-page \fromproperty #'header:tagline

So, to achieve what you were describing I would put the following code in
the \paper block:

oddFooterMarkup = \markup {
  \column {
    \fill-line { \on-the-fly #part-first-page \fromproperty
#'header:copyright }
    \fill-line { \on-the-fly #part-first-page \fromproperty
#'header:revisiondate }
    \fill-line { \on-the-fly #last-page \fromproperty #'header:tagline }

Then, in the \header block, I would have to define the revisiondate

revisiondate = "6 August 2014"

HTH, Samuel.
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