Calibre can be used to create new e-books from scratch since sigil
development is taken over by the developers of calibre and it already has
been integrated. You do might have to use the newer versions of calibre of

It works pretty good, automatic arranging of content into directories,
development tools (syntax highlighting, validation checks, etc.) and on the
fly preview, though be carefull with the preview. The renderer can handle
more CSS then most readers. Bold text might for example be shown as 'bold'
in the preview, but not on the actual reader.
Op 7 aug. 2014 08:40 schreef "Phil Holmes" <>:

> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Br. Samuel Springuel" <
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2014 7:52 PM
> Subject: Re: Lilypond and eBooks
>  Like Bart, I'll be using calibre for creating the actual eBook.  This
>> eBook will be for internal use and need only be compatible with Kindles, as
>> that's all I expect it to be displayed on.
> It seems to me that you don't create an eBook with calibre, but rather use
> it to convert something you have created to eBook format.  What program
> will you use to actually write the text and import the images?
>  If each line of the score is to be treated as a separate image, is there
>> a way to cleanly order lilypond to do that?  Actually, now that I think
>> about it, there must be, as lilypond-book does something similar.  I'll
>> just want the images to be jpg (png actually might be better given a B&W
>> image) rather than eps.  The question is how?
> I would not have each line as a separate image.  Let Lily generate the
> score itself.  For PNG see
> - I would also suggest experimenting with anti-alias-factor to get the
> quality you want.
>  Further, what would be the recommended width of each line?  I think
>> something naturally sized to the Kindle would be best.  Has anyone tried
>> that?  If not, what's the simplest way to indicate (and change) the line
>> width of a score so that I can experiment.
> See
> size-and-automatic-scaling
> for how to adjust paper size and other line-related parameters.
> --
> Phil Holmes
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