
I've collected all my soundfonts into a MASSIVE compressed file (~2.5 GB). Here's the link where you can download it from my Google Drive account:



On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Dirk Van Damme <dirk.van.da...@hotmail.be> wrote:
Many thanks Abraham for the info
I appreciate very much if you can recommend some good sound fonts.
very best
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 16:46:29 -0006
From: tisimst.lilyp...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Better sound file then MIDI
To: dirk.van.da...@hotmail.be
CC: lilypond-user@gnu.org

On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 10:39 AM, dirk van damme <dirk.van.da...@hotmail.be> wrote:
Is there a possibility/approach to produce with Lilypond a music file that comes much closer to the natural sound of the music instruments used in the score - then through MIDI output as documented in the manuals. Or do I need to process the Lilypond MIDI file through another program - if so what programm do you recommend? thanks upfront
Dirk Van Damme

lilypond-user mailing list


The short answer is yes, but it's going to take some effort from you. There are some other very nice midi sound fonts out there, but even then that only helps so much. It sounds like you are interested in the "action" of the instruments. LilyPond does pretty well with the volume and timing, but that's about it. The "articulate.ly" file adds some more realism by expanding trills, arpeggios, etc. This is explained here:

Beyond that, you'll need to play around with the output midi file yourself. After all, LilyPond was designed for engraving, not score playback. I have found the Linux Multimedia Studio or (LMMS) to be handy for this. I believe you can find versions for Windows as well. Not sure about Mac OS. If you would like any recommendations for some good free sound fonts, I can point you to a few.
Good luck!


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