On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 10:17 AM, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:

> Can you please use more descriptive subject lines?  You don't even refer
> to a previous posting.
> Patrick or Cynthia Karl <pck...@mac.com> writes:
> > I frequently need do something like: <c \tweak font-size #-2 c'> in
> > order to show that one of the two notes is preferred, but the other
> > one is acceptable.  The problem is that the "-2" in the \tweak command
> > is an absolute value, i.e., it is not relative to the fontSize being
> > used.  If the fontSize were -3, e.g., then the "smaller" note would
> > actually be bigger than the preferred one.
> >
> > What I would like to do is substitute for the "-2" the value
> > "fontSize-2".  Is this possible?  If so,how?
> This should probably work using something like
>   <c \offset font-size #-2 c'>
> but apparently it doesn't.
It would be nice, yes, but certain properties can't be set to a procedure.


\version "2.19.10"

  \override NoteHead.font-size = 5

  \override NoteHead.font-size = #(lambda (grob) 5)

The second has no effect.

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