"Br. Samuel Springuel" <rpspring...@gmail.com> writes:

> On 2014-07-18 4:37 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
>> It does not appear like you used the -drelative-includes option, did
>> you?
> If by this you mean putting #(ly:set-option 'relative-includes #t) at
> the top of the lilypond files, then yes, I did try this option and it
> makes no difference.
> If you mean that there is a command line option for lilypond-book that
> I should be invoking, then there's a typo in your email as
> lilypond-book doesn't recognize the option -drelative-includes.  Are
> you referring to some variant of the --include option?

No, I was indeed confusing lilypond and lilypond-book here.

David Kastrup

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