Here's where I am so far : %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \version "2.18.2"
aigues = \relative c' { \time 6/8 s4. \stemDown c16[ bes' e] \stemUp g c e \stemDown g8 } basses = \relative c { \time 3/4 \clef F \omit TupletBracket \tupletDown \tweak TupletNumber.extra-offset #'(.5 . 7) \tweak TupletNumber.whiteout ##t \tuplet 7/6 { c16[ -\tweak style #"line" -\tweak thickness #2 -\tweak bound-details.left #`( (padding . -1) (Y . -1.5) (text . ,(make-draw-line-markup (cons 0 -0.8)))) -\tweak bound-details.right #`( (padding . -1) (Y . 1.5) (text . ,(make-draw-line-markup (cons 0 0.8)))) \startTextSpan bes' e] \change Staff = md \stemUp g[ c e g] \stopTextSpan } s4.s8 } \new PianoStaff \with { \omit TimeSignature } << \new Staff = md \aigues \new Staff = mg \basses >> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I cannot find a way to unset the TextSpanner staff-padding . Any idea ?
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