2014-07-02 12:13 GMT+02:00 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> However, this fix does not have regtests. I would appreciate it if you
> could cook up a few short but difficult use cases for placing in the
> regtests.
In order to find a sort of inspiration I've just re-wrote some snippets
from the regression in parallelMusic mode.
Hope I'll find something better tomorrow.
\version "2.18.2"
\include "accidental-grouping-prallelMusic.ly"
\include "accidental-piano-prallelMusic.ly"
\include "accidental-placement-samepitch-prallelMusic.ly"
\include "accidental-voice-prallelMusic.ly"
\include "add-grace-property-prallelMusic.ly"
\include "alignment-order-prallelMusic.ly"
\include "beam-collision-cross-staff2-prallelMusic.ly"
\include "identifier-quoted-prallelMusic.ly"
\include "part-combine-3voices-prallelMusic.ly"
\include "volta-multi-staff-prallelMusic.ly"
\version "2.18.2"
\parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB) \relative c'' {
<gis cis eis gis>1 |
eis,1 |
\set Staff . accidentalGrouping = #'voice
<gis' cis eis gis>1 |
eis, |
<< \voiceA \\ \voiceB >>
\version "2.18.2"
\parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB) {
ges'4 ges4 |
r8 gis r8 gis |
\new PianoStaff \relative c' <<
\accidentalStyle piano
\new Staff { \voiceA }
\new Staff { \voiceB }
\version "2.18.2"
\parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB) \relative c'' {
<dis aeses as a! a! ais aisis a,! aeh cis'> |
<ais aih> |
<< \voiceA \\ \voiceB >>
\version "2.18.2"
\parallelMusic #'(voicea voiceb) \transpose c c' {
\stemUp fis2 a2 f4 fis a2 |
\stemDown c2 fis2 f4 c f2 |
\new NoteNames {
\set printOctaveNames = ##f
\context Staff <<
\accidentalStyle modern-voice-cautionary
\new Voice \voicea
\new Voice \voiceb
\new NoteNames {
\set printOctaveNames = ##f
\version "2.18.2"
\parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB voiceC) {
\grace d'8 c'1 \bar "|." |
\grace d'8 c'1 |
\grace d'8 c'1 |
\new Staff = "1" \with { instrumentName =
\markup \center-column { Voice mensural } }
\new Voice \with { $(add-grace-property 'Voice 'NoteHead 'style 'mensural)
$(add-grace-property 'Score 'NoteHead 'style 'cross) }
{ \voiceA }
\new Staff = "2" \with { instrumentName =
\markup \center-column { Voice diamond } }
\new Voice \with { $(add-grace-property 'Voice 'NoteHead 'style 'diamond) }
{ \voiceB }
\new Staff = "3" \with { instrumentName =
\markup \center-column { Score cross } }
\new Voice
{ \voiceC }
\version "2.18.2"
\parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB voiceC) {
% Bar 1
c2 c |
c2 c |
c2 c |
% Bar 2
\parallelMusic #'(voiceD) {
\tuplet 6/4 {
\override TextScript.padding = #3
c4^"this" d_"staff" e^"above" d_"last" e^"staff" f
} |
s1 |
s1 |
s1 |
\relative c' <<
\new Staff = "1" { \voiceA }
\new Staff = "2" { \voiceB }
\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff = "3" { \voiceC }
{ \skip 1
\lyrics {
\set alignBelowContext = #"1"
below4 first staff
\new Staff {
\set Staff.alignAboveContext = #"3"
\version "2.18.2"
\parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB) {
\time 2/4
s2 |
g,32 [ d' \change Staff = up d' gis a c d g ] \change Staff = down g,,4 |
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = up \relative c' { \voiceA }
\new Staff = down \relative c' {
\clef bass
\version "2.18.2"
\parallelMusic #'(violin1 violin2) {
% Bar 1
c''4 c'' c'' c'' |
a'4 a' a' a' |
<< \"violin1" \\ \"violin2" >>
\version "2.18.2"
\parallelMusic #'(soprano alto tenor basso) {
d''2 f'' g'' |
a' c''4 d'' e''2 |
f'2 a'4 b' c''2 |
d'4 e' f' g' g'2 |
\new Staff << \partcombineUp \soprano \alto \\ \basso >>
\new Staff << \soprano \\ \partcombineDown \tenor \basso >>
\version "2.18.2"
\parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB voiceC voiceD) {
\repeat volta 2 {
c1 |
c1 |
c1 |
c1 |
\alternative {
%\parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB voiceC voiceD)
d e |
d e |
d e |
d e |
d g |
d g |
d g |
d g |
\relative c'' <<
\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff \voiceA
\new Staff \voiceB
\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff \voiceC
\new Staff \voiceD
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