David Nalesnik <david.nales...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Philip,
> On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 6:03 PM, Philip Eliot <philip.el...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I would agree, hence the question. I thought there might be a built in
>> option to do that. Having searched through the documentation, I'm fairly
>> certain there is no built in way to do it. At one point in the
>> documentation, it has an example of using \mark "II" to mark string numbers
>> on a violin score. While not only clunsier than being able to take
>> advantage of the \2 string notation, it also didn't work for me because I
>> am writing for mandolin not violin, and have a parallel tab staff. The
>> built in \2 string number notation leads to correct tab notation, while the
>> \mark "II" would not.
>> Your solution was simple and elegant, perhaps it is worth suggesting it be
>> implemented as an option in a future release?
> I'm thinking about it, but in my (limited) experience nothing is ever
> simple when it comes to working it into the code base.  One thing that
> occurs to me is that string designations for bowed instruments aren't
> generally circled, so there would probably need to be a property 'no-circle
> (along with 'roman-numeral).  Things would get considerably more complex if
> naming by string-pitch were supported.

I think we had more or less all of that for fret numbers in tablature.
Would probably make sense to recycle/unify that mechanism.

David Kastrup

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