Looking in those directories, I find no *.log files and the *.texi file simply contains a list of @image commands which point at the generated eps files (with @c eof at the end) and thus doesn't seem to be of much use. Is there some option flag to force the *.log file?
On the issues of the include statement and the included files, I don't 
think there are any problems there because LilyPond itself operates just 
fine on the files, as does lilypond-book when I'm not using the --output 
or --lily-output-dir options.  It's only when I specify one (or both) of 
those options that the problem arises.  You should be able to double 
check this yourself by looking at the source files I attached to the 
original email (I claim no expertise for my opinion, only that it 
appears to work to me).
Br. Samuel, OSB
(R. Padraic Springuel)


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