Martyn Quick <> writes: > I've been using the TextSpanner in the following way: > > \version "2.18.2" > > music = { > \textSpannerDown > \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = > \markup { \upright "P.M." } > e,8 e,\startTextSpan e, e, e, e, e,\stopTextSpan e, > } > > \score { > << > \new Staff { \clef "treble_8" > \music > } > \new TabStaff { > \music > } > >> > } > > This does what is often seen in guitar music, namely using > "P.M. ... ... ..." to denote when palm-mute is applied to the playing. > > Is there a way of defining a function (or more likely a pair of > functions) to do this more briefly (and more simply in the code. I > guess I'm looking for something along the lines of: > > " e, \startPM e, e, e, \stopPM e, e, " > > to achieve the same effect.
startPM = -\single\textSpannerDown -\tweak bound-details.left.text \markup \upright "P.M." -\startTextSpan stopPM = \stopTextSpan \new Staff { \clef "G_8" e, \startPM e, e, e, \stopPM e, e, } -- David Kastrup _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list