Mark Polesky <markpolesky <at>> writes: > Normally, the dots on dotted notes in different voicesshould be aligned
The textbooks say we should set dots set independently for each voice But slightly-misaligned dots in some cases drew some complaints, so LilyPond sets all voices' dots in one column by default. > Is theresome override to tell LilyPond: In this voice, stop using > the staff's Dot_column_engraver, and start using the Voice's*own* > Dot_column_engraver, which I could then revert when > I'm done with the small notes? Put the small notes in a temporary Voice and give that Voice a Dot_column_engraver. Having this engraver in both a Voice and Staff is not problem here. You get two DotColumns, but that is what you want, and the Dots that are caught by the DotColumn in the Voice are not caught again by that in the Staff. _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list