Hi List, 

probably a pretty noob question, so excuse my ignorance:

I assume, a parsed .ly file is represented as a (Scheme) list -
correctly so? This list (parse-tree) is probably used for creating the
final ps/pdf output. 

How do I get this list/parse-tree representation of a lilypond file
(without any further processing, just the Lisp representation as
output to stdout or into a file)? 

I've found the Lilypond grammar on the web, I see three possible output
formats for the -f flag:

| [tj@arch ~]$ lilypond --help
| GNU LilyPond 2.18.2
|   -f, --formats=FORMATe                    dump FORMAT,... Auch als
|   separate Optionen:
|       --pdf                                PDF erzeugen (Standard)
|       --png                                PNG erzeugen
|       --ps                                 PostScript erzeugen

and I can start the 

| [tj@arch ~]$ lilypond scheme-sandbox
| GNU LilyPond 2.18.2
| »/usr/share/lilypond/2.18.2/ly/scheme-sandbox.ly« wird verarbeitet
| Analysieren...
| guile> (+ 3 3)
| 6

but I could not find out how to output the parse-tree via the
command-line or how to do this on the guile> prompt.

Any hints would be appreciated ...


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