Dear Lilypond users,

A brief followup question regarding this technique of assigning noteheads.

I am using the notehead glyph technique to set noteheads, but have run into trouble trying to change noteheads within a chord. Continuing with the cowbell example code that Fredrik originally sent me below, the following does not set the notehead of 'g' in this chord to a triangle...
< c  e \cowbell  g >
...all three notes show regular noteheads.

If someone can illuminate how to set noteheads within a chord, I'd appreciate it!

Best regards,
Nick Didkovsky

On 5/15/14 6:55 PM, Fredrik Wallberg wrote:
Hi Nick,

you'll find more noteheads here:

This snippet by Victor Adan shows how to use them in a score:

An example:

cowbell = {
    \once \override NoteHead.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
\once \override NoteHead.text = #(markup #:musicglyph "noteheads.d2doThin")


/ Fredrik

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