David Nalesnik <david.nales...@gmail.com> writes:

> On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 7:54 AM, Simon Albrecht <simon.albre...@mail.de>wrote:
>> The version statement should be \version "2.19", since the music contains
>> standalone durations like @code{ ees4~ 16 }, which can’t be handled by 2.18.
> True, didn't notice that.  Also interesting is that omitting the pitchname
> on tied notes gives a different count for the affected note than repeating
> the name does.

Pitchless durations result in a NoteEvent without pitches.  Similarly
repeat chords result in an EventChord without note elements but a

Before doing further manipulations, you will generally want to do
something like
(expand-repeat-notes! (expand-repeat-chords! '(rhythmic-event) music))
on it for that reason if you make use of the respective shorthands.

Of course, one easy way not to forget anything is
(ly:score-music (scorify-music music parser))

The parser is needed since this will also expand quotes (which are
stored per-parser) and other stuff.

David Kastrup

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