I was under the impression MuseScore had Lilypond import and XML export

On May 21, 2014, at 2:18 PM, pls <p.l.schm...@gmx.de> wrote:

> On 21.05.2014, at 18:44, Dennis Clason <dennis.cla...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have a publisher interested in some of my work, but they want it in their 
>> house style.  They know about LilyPond, but it's "a fringe market they are 
>> watching" (their words).  Their preference would be for me to submit in 
>> Finale or Sibelius, but I'm not interested in re-entering the entire score.  
>> I'm also not interested in spending way more than I'd ever make on the 
>> project to buy a copy of Finale (or Sibelius).
>> They have said that XML would also be okay.
>> And that's the history and reasoning for my question.  My Google-fu 
>> unearthed a XML to Lilypond translator, but is there one that goes the other 
>> direction?
> Right now the only way to translate LilyPond files to MusicXML is to scan 
> your PDFs (or PNGsā€¦) with OMR software. Unfortunately these programs are also 
> quite expensive and the resulting files need to be corrected. The extent of 
> needed corrections depend on the complexity of your scores and the software. 
> You could give Audiveris v4.3 (free & open source)  a try but your scores are 
> bound to suffer severe losses... 
>> Thanks,
>> Dennis
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