super thanks Jan-Peter, I did not even know about \cueDuring !

regards Paul

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Jan-Peter Voigt <> wrote:

>  Hi Paul,
> I suspect, there is something wrong with spacer rests. At least this
> snippet works:
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.18.2"
>  \addQuote musi \relative c'' { R1 c4 b a g f e d c R1 }
>  {
> \compressFullBarRests
> <<
> { R1*4 } \\
> { s1*2 \cueDuring musi #UP { s2. } }
> >>
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> But I wonder, why you use a <<{}\\{}>> construct?
> Normally I would just use
> { R1*2 \cueDuring musi #UP { R1 } R1 }
> And first I highly recommend to upgrade to latest stable! I only checked
> in 2.18.2 - there might be a problem 2.14?
> Cheers, Jan-Peter
> Am 21.05.14 02:29, schrieb Paul Malcolm:
> Dear All, I am trying to neatly combine piano cue notes and full measure
> rests for the intsrument not in play (here the Viola).
> I have attached my very crude and failed attempt. This section shows the
> piano
> cue notes in blue at measures 81 & 82. What I would like to do is add a
> full measure rest (black)  in each of these bars and place the rests (as
> usual) right in
> the middle of the stave. The attempt I show here used two voices <<{} \\
> {}  >> etc but that did not work.
> I checked snippet libraries but didn't find any examples that shed light
> on this
> little problem ?
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