It appears that LilyPond 2.18.2 prints a warning if a trill pitch occurs under a slur, regardless of the chance of collision.

\relative c' {
 % OK
 \pitchedTrill d2\startTrillSpan ~ e d4. r8\stopTrillSpan
% warning: Ignoring grob for slur: TrillPitchAccidental. avoid-slur not set?
 % But the slur is nowhere near colliding with the trill pitch accidental!
 c4 ( \pitchedTrill d4\startTrillSpan e ~ d4. ) r8\stopTrillSpan

This fixes it:

 \override TrillPitchAccidental.avoid-slur = #'inside

But shouldn't this be a default? When would you seriously want a trill pitch accidental to be outside the slur? Not to mention that it would make no sense to put the trill pitch accidental outside, and the trill pitch head inside.

Small issue, work-around-able, but seems a bit untidy.


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