I'm making that exercise for my students now** and found... the first group
of eighths after \unHideNotes is missing its beam. It omits 8th-note flags,
and it draws the stems as if it's going to beam them, but... no beam.
** Thanks, Pierre, for reminding me about \hideNotes!
\version "2.18.2"
\relative c' {
\hideNotes \repeat unfold 6 { e8 }
e8 f8 % beam is not drawn here
g a g2.
If I explicitly beam, it works. But I think I shouldn't have to.
\version "2.18.2"
\relative c' {
\hideNotes \repeat unfold 6 { e8 }
e8 [ f8 ]
g a g2.
I think I see why... it's trying to beam a group of four 8ths, where the
first two are hidden. It'd be nicer if LilyPond could detect the situation
and just Do The Right Thing.
Par for the course today... just about everything I tried to do on the
computer today required a bug report :(
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