The documentation seems spotty and inadequate compared to when I tried this
a few years ago.  I feel hopelessly lost.

I found
This tells me I need to do a "make install".  This implies I need the
source to do anything at all with emacs mode? I found a source bundle
along with the warning "We do not recommend that you attempt to build
LilyPond yourself; almost all user needs are better met with the pre-built
version." Unclear whether using emacs is included in "almost all user
needs" or not.

[Side issue: the parallel structure of the documentation on the website is
*very* confusing.  In particular, I spent quite a few minutes puzzled about
why the "Source" link in the Download tab at the top of led to
than back to the source bundle.  Is this intentional?]

OK, so I download the source bundle, and now I'm left with no more
instructions than "make install".  But in what directory?  I tried it in
the elisp directory and the lilypond directory above it, but in both cases
I got errors.

I also tried skipping the install step and just directly pointing at the
directories.  This seems to give me at least a partial solution, although
it's warning me that lilypond-words doesn't exist.  Probably because it
needs to compile that somehow?

Am I missing something basic/obvious/simple?  Any advice is welcome.  I'd
love to get emacs and lilypond working.  I'm happy to contribute a doc fix
to make this easier for others later.

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