At 13:09 04/05/2014 +0200, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:
What are the rules for the vertical placement of rests in polyphonic
writing? Are there any? For example in my Schumann piece, lower
staff, Lilypond did a very ugly choice by default and I had to use
something like b'\rest even for this very simple piece. (Don't know
if that's the correct placement but it looks fine to my eyes)
Elaine Gould says (pp. 36-7):
For clarity, upper-part rest are usually placed above the centre
stave-line, lower-part rests below the centre line
When one part lies outside the stave (on ledger lines), crotchet,
quaver, and shorter-value rests for the other part may move back to
the centre of the stave
Semibreve and minim rests must never stray across the centre stave line
When both parts have rests simultaneously, as in strict contrapuntal
writing, separate these with at least one stave-line
Many editions place all minim and semibreve rests only on the
outside stave-lines, to avoid confusion; some avoid rests on the
middle stave-line, for the same reason
This last remark appears to describe (and validate?) what Lilypond
does by default. But it's clearly not the only way.
Brian Barker
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