On Apr 28, 2014, at 7:26 PM, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:

> Tim McNamara <tim...@bitstream.net> writes:
>> Can I put \modalTranspose inside the existing \transpose?  Or should
>> it go outside?  Or will the two hopelessly disagree?  My head hurts
>> trying to figure this sort of thing out...
> When in doubt, try it out.
> It would seem most likely to me that you can use \modalTranspose inside
> of the \transpose to transpose according to the scale with which the
> music has been entered, and outside of \transpose to transpose according
> to the scale with which the music will get printed.

OK, I think I get part of that.  I’m confused about how to implement the 

diatonicScale = \relative c' { c d e f g a b }
motif = \relative c' { c8 d e f g a b c }

parts of the command.  Does one put in the scale of the parent key into the 
diatonicScale (e.g., \relative c’ { g a b c d e fis } for the key of G)?  And 
would this go inside or outside \transpose with the \modalTranspose command?

So far no matter where I put this in the score, compilation fails.


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