Am 27.04.2014 00:22, schrieb Knute Snortum:
Okay, that looks good. But there are two things: First, can the files be
*.ly files instead of *.ily files?
As Paul said, the file extension is purely a convenience for human
readers. When \include-ing a file LilyPond will simply read in that file
and treat it exactly as if its content would have been written directly
in the original input file.
And if not, will *.ily files compile
standalone? (People will still want to download just one movement.)
The idea is to use the *.ily files as pure includable files (hence
.IncludableLY) and _not_ to compile them standalone.
In your case you would have to find some cascading set-up, writing the
content of the music in one file, the score structure of this individual
piece in another one and yet a third one for the whole piece that pulls
in the individual movements.
Second, when I tried to use includes, I got a message saying it couldn't
find the file. Then it gave me a search path for the includes. None of
them were the current directory (.). #
The current directory isn't mentioned but searched by default (but you
don't have to start it with "./"). So there has to be some detail error
in your actual code.
In any case you should be able to do that without an external preprocessor.
If I have to put the files in some
standard include directory, it's not going to work.
Thanks for your input.
Knute Snortum
(via Gmail)
On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 12:57 PM, Jay Anderson <> wrote:
On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 11:54 AM, Knute Snortum <>
Short version: I'd like to be able to pull in (import) several external
files into a multi-movement piece.
Long version:
I'm transcribing for Mutopia and we have several pieces where people
like to
download one movement from a piece. For instance, I'm working on
Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition. Many people just want the
but I don't want make people download 10-14 files to get the whole piece.
Yes, we could zip them, but they would still have to print a dozen files
there's no indication of order.
What I'm wondering is if there is some way to create a LilyPond file
containing a book with several scores, where the source of the movements
an external file. "includes" won't do. Something like this:
\book {
\score {
import "./ly_files/promenade-1/"
\score {
import "./ly_files/gnomus/"
Possible? On a wish list? Some other way to do it?
If there's no good way to do it, I will probably write a Perl
to do it.
Why won't includes work? This is actually how I prefer to work (rather
than variables storing music). Here's an example:
\version "2.18.0"
\include "defs.ily"
instrument = "Horn in F"
\include "header.ily"
\new Staff
{ \include "mvt1/horn.ily" }
{ \include "mvt1/outline.ily" }
\new Staff
{ \include "mvt2/horn.ily" }
{ \include "mvt2/outline.ily" }
\new Staff
{ \include "mvt3/horn.ily" }
{ \include "mvt3/outline.ily" }
I can use this file for the individual part, another for the piano
part, and anther which compiles a multiple pieces together. (assuming
a similar file structure: mvt1/horn.ily, mvt/outline.ily,
mvt1/piano_right.ily, etc.)
When typing out the score block becomes too repetitive I do something like
\version "2.18.0"
... includes ...
makeGallayScore =
#(define-void-function (parser location num) (string?)
(let ((score
\new Staff { \include #(string-append num ".ily") }
(add-score parser score)))
makeGallay =
#(define-void-function (parser location low high) (number? number?)
(do ((i low (+ i 1)))
((> i high))
(let ((n (format #f "~2,'0d" i)))
#{ \makeGallayScore $n #})))
\makeGallay 1 40
This was for a book of etudes. Each etude is the raw music in files
named 01.ily through 40.ily.
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