
i would like repeat percent which goes for more than one line to print the
first bar in a line again. is this possible? ideally, the percent counter
would carry on, looking something like the following:

\score {
\relative c' {
  \set countPercentRepeats = ##t
  << { \repeat percent 16 { c4 d e f } } { \repeat unfold 4 { s1*4 \break }
} >>

should look like:

\score {
\relative c' {
      \repeat percent 4 { c4 d e f } \break
      \repeat percent 4 { c4 d e f } \break
      \repeat percent 4 { c4 d e f } \break
      \repeat percent 4 { c4 d e f } \break
    } \\
      \set countPercentRepeats = ##t
      \override PercentRepeat #'transparent = ##t
      \override PercentRepeatCounter #'staff-padding = #1
      \repeat percent 16 { s1 }

any ideas?

thanks, regards,
Do not meddle in the affairs of trombonists, for they are subtle and quick
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