Hi Jan-Peter,

2014-04-12 15:38 GMT+02:00 Jan-Peter Voigt <jp.vo...@gmx.de>:
> Hi Harm,

call me Harm or Thomas.
I don't mind. All are aliases :)

> I assume, you want to use this in some music-function ... (?)


> you can insert the displayed scheme-expression:
> %%%
> finger = #(define-event-function (parser location n)(integer?)
>    (make-music 'FingeringEvent 'direction -1 'digit n))
> { c''4\finger 2 }
> #(let ((n 4)) (display-scheme-music #{ \finger $n #}))
> %%%
> But unfortunately I don't know a shorter way to include it in such an
> included lilyexpression ...
> this would of course be handy, if you want to use parameters in a longer
> snippet ...

Thanks for your answer and coding.
I was looking for a method to directly insert the number in #{ #}
The usability of this has improved a lot, thanks David K.

#(display-scheme-music #{ -1 #})
displays correctly a FingeringEvent, meaning a post-event, the "-",
and the number, i.e. 1 not -1, is taken as the finger.
Right now I've no idea to make it work other, than using your code or
something very similiar.


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