On Sat, 2014-04-12 at 04:38 +0000, efa...@faswebdesign.com wrote:
> I'm trying to score a piano piece that has cross-staff slurs on
> arpeggios. I've searched the documentation andlooket at the snippets,
> but there’s nothing that’s clear enough (simple enough?) for me to
> understand.
> Can anyone provide a sample (or point me to one) or offer a suggestion
> for where to look in the documentation?

Ed, here's an slightly bloated example, attached. Hope it helps.  (I
just noticed that it should really be a Tie not a Slur, but that hardly

\version "2.17.95"

global = {
  \key bes \major
  \time 3/4

up = {
  % Music follows here.
    \new Voice \relative c'' { \voiceOne
      ees,8[ c'( <\tweak #'font-size #-4 ees, g> f <\tweak #'font-size #-4 c 
ees> d)]
    \new Voice \relative c'' { \voiceTwo
      c,8[ \change Staff = "down" \stemUp aes] 
        \shape #'((0.9 . 1.9) (0 . 5) (-1.0 . 0) (-1 . 0)) Slur
      \change Staff = "up" g2.)

down = {
  % Music follows here.
    \new Voice \relative c { \voiceFour
      g4. \stemDown c8[( g ees)] \stemNeutral
      c[ g'( c d ees f)]

pianoPart = \new PianoStaff  <<
  \new Staff = "up"  \up
  \new Staff = "down"  { \clef bass \down }

\score {

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