I'm trying to produce a score which contains choir staffs interspersed
with solo staffs.  I've tried the included, but my naive attempt isn't

As you can see in the attached, after the choir section that staffs
continue into the solo section, and the solo section persists through
the latter choir section.  Also, the solo section gets a choir brace
attached to it.  Suggestions?

\score {
    \new ChoirStaff <<
      \new Staff = "x" { \new Voice = "a" { a' a' a' a' | a' a' a' a'} }
      \new Staff = "y" { \new Voice = "b" { b' b' b' b' | b' b' b' b'} }
    >> \break
    \new Staff = "z" {
      \new Voice = "c" { c' c' c' c' | c' c' c' c' }
    } \break
    \new ChoirStaff <<
      \new Staff = "x" { \new Voice = "a" { a' a' a' a' | a' a' a' a'} }
      \new Staff = "y" { \new Voice = "b" { b' b' b' b' | b' b' b' b'} }
    >> \break
    \new Staff = "z" {
      \new Voice = "c" { c' c' c' c' | c' c' c' c' }

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Michael Welsh Duggan
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