
i apologize for the delayed response - as you can see, i really became
inactive... I'm sorry if this was demotivating to you, i know how it
feels like :(

2014-03-20 15:46 GMT+01:00 David Nalesnik <david.nales...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 7:08 PM, Simon Albrecht <simon.albre...@mail.de>
> wrote:
>> You might be interested in the following thread:
>> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/2013-12/msg00425.html
>> This thread went private after a time, and I proposed the attached
>> solution.  Mike S. had suggested the use of a new grob to collect syllables,
>> and this is what I did.  The new grob is called "LyricWord," and it groups
>> syllables and hyphens.  Collecting grobs like this allows for fairly easy
>> manipulation.  The file contains some *bonus* functions which illustrate
>> stuff you can with the new LyricWord grobs.
>> Amazing! This is a fix for issue 2458, isn’t it? There is no entry in the
>> tracker yet.
>> Will this make it into the code base?
> Yes, I suppose that it could be incorporated as a fix.

David, this is AWESOME!!  I've checked that this even handles kerning
and ligatures on the borders of snapped syllables - mindblowing!!!

I have added it to the snippets repository:
If you have any updates, please contribute them :)
When i have time, i'll incorporate this engraver in my templates and
test it on real-life scores.

> The only awkwardness would be that the Scheme engraver would have to be
> consist-ed, as it's not currently possible to add it to the definition of
> Lyrics in the codebase.  (Some problem due to automatic generation of
> documentation, I believe.)  The engraver could be rewritten in C++, but I'd
> like to hold off on that!

I'd really like to help with that, but i'm afraid that i don't have
time.  However, i may be able to contribute some money (do you have an
account in some European bank or would I have to use PayPal?).

> As this touches on the "Lyrics Project," I'm cc'ing Janek.  @Janek: how
> would this figure into your long-range plans?  Will it--and here I'm
> thinking mostly of a LyricWord grob--be a help or a hindrance?

Hmm.  It's difficult to say how this would fit any attempts to solve
issue 2456 (the most important one) without having a closer look, and
i don't have time to do this :(  However, since my long-term plans are
virtually non-existent (they amount to "try to update and submit for
review the code that i already have when i have time" - and this
doesn't include issue 2456, unfortunately), just go ahead.  As far as
i can see your code shouldn't give any serious conflicts with my

Thanks a lot for your work!!

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