> -----Original Message-----
> From: Simon Albrecht [mailto:simon.albre...@mail.de]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 10:42 AM
> To: lilypond user list
> Subject: The pleasantry of Lilyponding
> Hello Lilypond aficionados,
> It’s like a mixture of a logical
> puzzle and a strategy game, with the pleasant side effect that it is not just 
> for
> fun, but you get a result which can be ported to real life and has an actual 
> use
> for other people! Besides some bit of artwork continues to live in there, only
> it’s not achieved through handicraft as in earlier centuries, but through 
> logics,
> computing and (more or less industrial) printing. While working on your files,
> you may enjoy some of the music you’re typesetting, plus the beauty of
> Lilypond’s music engraving.
> So after all it is not as nerdy as may seem…
> All the best,
> Simon

Right, because logical puzzle and strategy video games aren't nerdy at all. :-P

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