Daniel, you wrote Wednesday, April 02, 2014 11:38 AM

> Aha, so it's supposed to be like a hyphen in a split dynamic marking like 
> "cresc - en - do po - co a po - co" or similar.
> I have never seen an edition where a pedal marking is written as "P - e - 
> d". Do you have a feel for whether this is ever done in published music? 
> If it's simply something that somebody decided would be a useful thing to 
> have in LilyPond but there's no precedence for its use in the wider world, 
> I would be inclined not to include it in SMuFL (particularly because it is 
> surely not as useful as the more standard ways of notating the use of the 
> sustain pedal, with the continuous horizontal line or the gap terminated 
> by the *-like symbol).

Here's another example from the LilyPond regression tests.  This was
added by Han-Wen in 2004.  I don't know myself if the hyphen is found
in published music, but I'm pretty sure Han-Wen only added features he
found in respected scores.  Here's what he added:

\version "2.17.6"
  texidoc = "The standard piano pedals style comes with Ped symbols.
The pedal string can be also tuned, for example, to a shorter tilde/P variant
at the end of the melody."

\context Staff \relative c'{
  c4 d e f g
  \sustainOn b c
  c, d16[  c  c c]  e[ e \sustainOff \sustainOn e e ] f4 \sustainOff 
  g\sustainOn  b \sustainOff c 
  \set Staff.pedalSustainStrings = #'("-" "-P" "P")
  \override Staff.SustainPedal.padding = #-2
  c, \sustainOn d e \sustainOff \sustainOn f
  \sustainOff g b c

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