Am 26.03.2014 11:36, schrieb Phil Holmes:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Urs Liska" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: Discussing typographical standards

What I would find useful is an option with that you can allow LilyPond
to break mid-measure at certain points. For example that you say: "In
4/4 time you may also break in the middle", or "In 9/8 time you may
break also at the 4th and 7th quaver".
This would make it possible to have a more flexible breaking (on
request, not by default) without having to write and include a
dedicated extra voice.

No need for another voice if you want to do manual mid-bar breaking:

\relative c'' { c2 c | c c | c c | c c | c c | c c | c \break \bar "" c
| c c | c c | }

Of course you can write it directly in the music. But it will be cleaner to separate it out in an extra voice. But the main point is to have an _automatic_ solution that allows more - and more flexible - breaking patterns without having to specify possible break points manually.


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