I'll try your suggestions later today.

Regarding the length of stems there are two different approaches that might 
well go into different functions:

Have a group that is defined by the beam's slope (or its start and end 
pitches). For this I'd need stems of equal length.

Shaping the gesture through individual pitches. For this of course the stems 
aren't of the same length. But also in this case it might be nice to be able to 
print differently long stems that don't have "steps" of a whole scale-step.


Fredrik Wallberg <fredrik.wallb...@gmail.com> schrieb am 25.03.2014:
>Hi Urs,
>> - How could I remove the gap between the first two stems?
>Maybe try with a temporary
>\set Score.proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 8)
>for that particular group of notes?
>As for the beam lengths, I'm not sure what the best solution would be
>\override Stem.details.beamed-lengths = #'(10 20 3)
>works fine for controlling the _length_ of beams, of course (which I'm
>sure you aware of), but since you also want to influence the melodic
>contour of the gesture via pitches, I'm not sure that will help. If
>there is a way to override the distance between notehead and stem...
>will get back to you if something comes to mind.
>Best / Fredrik
>lilypond-user mailing list

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