Hi Kieren, 2014-03-17 3:24 GMT+01:00 Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca>: > Hi Harm, > >> do you already have results from your real-world testings? >> If 'line-parts' is useful, I'd like to turn it into a patch. >> Or do you notice some issues? > > Haven't had the chance to stress-test it yet -- sorry. > Give me a few days, and I'll get back to you with the results.
Meanwhile I found a use case where line-parts gave unexpected output. Additionally I thought it would be nice not only being able to reformat a given markup or list, but to edit it as desired. Therefore I wrote the markup-list-commands: delete-lines extract-lines lines-tail lines-head Together with the fixed line-parts in the attached file. Cheers, Harm
\version "2.19.1" %#(use-modules (ice-9 pretty-print)) %#(use-modules (srfi srfi-1)) #(define (get-certain-list-elts number-list lst) (cond ((null? number-list) lst) ((or (number? number-list) (number-list? number-list)) (let* ((new-number-list (if (number? number-list) (list number-list) number-list)) (sorted-number-list (sort new-number-list >))) (if (or (> (car sorted-number-list) (length lst)) (<= (car (last-pair sorted-number-list)) 0)) (ly:error "The deserved line is not part of the markup.") (map (lambda (x) (list-ref lst (- x 1))) new-number-list)))) (else (ly:error "number-list has to be a single number or a list of numbers.")))) #(define-markup-list-command (line-parts layout props args)(markup-list?) (let* ((make-stencil-list (lambda (a) (let ((fromproperty-markup? (lambda (m) (if (procedure? m) (eq? 'fromproperty-markup (procedure-name m)) #f))) (line-markup? (lambda (m) (if (procedure? m) (eq? 'line-markup (procedure-name m)) #f)))) (cond ;; what to do, if the argument is not of type ;; fromproperty/line-markup: ((and (list? a) (not (null? a)) ;; hmm, can arg ever be null? (not (fromproperty-markup? (car a))) (not (line-markup? (car a)))) (interpret-markup-list layout props (list a))) ;; fromproperty-markup needs to be special-cased, because it's ;; argument is not a line-markup, but a symbol, looked up in ;; props. ;; ;; hmm, do I need to do: ;; (cons ;; (list ;; (cons symbol `(,property-recursive-markup ,symbol))) ;; props) ;; again? (it's already done in the fromproperty-def) ((and (list? a) (not (null? a)) ;; hmm, can the argument ever be null? (fromproperty-markup? (car a))) (let* ((prop-arg (chain-assoc-get (last a) props)) (fromprop-arg (if (not (list? prop-arg)) (list prop-arg) prop-arg))) (if prop-arg (interpret-markup-list layout props (if (procedure? (car fromprop-arg)) (last fromprop-arg) fromprop-arg)) (list empty-stencil)))) ;; what to do with a line-markup: ((and (list? a) (not (null? a)) (line-markup? (car a))) (interpret-markup-list layout props (last a))) ;; in any other case return empty-stencil. ;; hmm, are other cases thinkable at all? (else (list empty-stencil))))))) (flatten-list (map make-stencil-list args)))) #(define-markup-list-command (extract-lines layout props whichs args) (number-or-pair? markup-list?) (let ((stil-list (line-parts-markup-list layout props args))) (get-certain-list-elts whichs stil-list))) #(define-markup-list-command (delete-lines layout props whichs args) (number-or-pair? markup-list?) (let* ((stil-list (line-parts-markup-list layout props args)) (lines-to-delete (get-certain-list-elts whichs stil-list))) (lset-difference eq? stil-list lines-to-delete))) #(define-markup-list-command (lines-head layout props which args) (number? markup-list?) (let ((stil-list (line-parts-markup-list layout props args))) (if (> which (length stil-list)) (ly:error "The deserved lines are not entirely part of the markup.") (list-head stil-list which)))) #(define-markup-list-command (lines-tail layout props which args) (number? markup-list?) (let ((stil-list (line-parts-markup-list layout props args))) (if (or (> which (length stil-list)) (<= which 0)) (ly:error "The deserved lines are not entirely part of the markup.") (list-tail stil-list (- which 1))))) %%%%%%%%%%%% %% TESTS %%%%%%%%%%%% \paper { bookTitleMarkup = \markup \box \column { \fill-line { \bold \fontsize #4 \fromproperty #'header:dedication } \vspace #2 \fontsize #5 \fill-line \line-parts { \fromproperty #'header:title } \with-color #red \fontsize #15 \fill-line { \line-parts { \fromproperty #'header:subtitle } } \with-color #green \fontsize #15 \line { \line-parts { \fromproperty #'header:subsubtitle } } \with-color #yellow \fontsize #15 \fill-line { \line-parts { \fromproperty #'header:subsubsubtitle } } \fill-line { \abs-fontsize #12 \center-column { \line-parts { \fromproperty #'header:meter } } \right-column { \line-parts { \fromproperty #'header:composer } } } } oddHeaderMarkup = \markup \column { \abs-fontsize #12 \fill-line { \rounded-box \center-column { \bold \fontsize #4 "page-header-test" \line-parts { \fromproperty #'header:title } \fromproperty #'header:meter \right-column { \line-parts { \fromproperty #'header:composer } } } } } } \header { dedication = "TESTING BOOKTITLE" title = \markup { "Aaa" "Bbb" "Ccc" } % subtitle = "asdfg" % subsubtitle = #'("bla" "blub") %subsubsubtitle = "xxxxxxxxxxxx" meter = \markup { \line { \with-color #red \rotate #3 "Crazy" } \line { \rotate #-3 "Whatever" } } composer = \markup #'("which" "composer") } \markup \column { \vspace #2 \box \bold \fontsize #4 "testing toplevel markups:" } testOne = \markup { \fontsize #4 "X|X" \italic "YyyyY" \column { a b } } testTwo = \markup { \fontsize #2 "--|--" \bold "xXXx" \column { x y } } %%{ %% The following two markups should return the same output: \markup \with-color #green \box { \line { \line-parts { \fontsize #4 "X|X" \italic "YyyyY" \column { a b } \fontsize #2 "--|--" \bold "xXXx" \column { x y } } } } %} \markup \box { \line { \line-parts { \testOne \testTwo } } } %%{ %% Testing some use-cases: \markup \box { \fill-line { \line-parts { \testOne } } } \markup \box { \center-column { \line-parts { \testOne } } } %% Should not give an error: %\markup \line { \line-parts { } } %} \markup \column { \vspace #2 \box \bold \fontsize #4 "testing with score-lines markup:" } sc = \markup \score-lines { \new Staff \relative c' { \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #all-bar-numbers-visible \bar "" c1\break d,\break e'\break f \break g \break b \break } \layout { indent = 0 line-width = 50 \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#f #t #t) %\override Score.BarNumber.X-extent = #'(0 . 0) } } \markup \column { \box \column \delete-lines #'(2) { \sc } \box \column \extract-lines #2 { \sc } \box \lines-tail #3 { \testOne } } \markuplist % \override #'(baseline-skip . 13) \column-lines { \fill-line \box \lines-head #3 { \sc } \fill-line \box \lines-tail #4 { \sc } \box "Why is the above moved to the right?" \box \extract-lines #'(1 3 5) { \sc } }
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