Congratulations to all of you :-)

Le 11 mars 2014 à 12:07, Urs Liska <> a écrit :

> Hi all,
> Janek and I have made some fuzz recently about that secret March 11, and 
> now's the time to disclose the great news:
> Our edition of Oskar Fried's songs was elected "BEST EDITION 2014" by the 
> German Music Publishers' Association, and we'll receive the award at the 
> Frankfurt Musikmesse on Friday!
> :-) :-) :-)
> I won't repeat everything you might be interested in, instead I strongly 
> suggest you read our blog post at
> One important thing has to be said, though:
> We intend to open up the edition and make its sources freely available - as 
> soon as the publisher's expenses have been fully covered. For this to become 
> reality we really need your support. _Please_ also visit our crowdfunding 
> campain at and _please_ spread the word as widely 
> as possible.
> Best
> Urs

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