Kieren MacMillan <> writes:

> Hello all,
> Hopefully this is a “softball”…
> I often have long-ish composition titles like "Two Ukrainian Courting
> Tunes: A Minuet & Scherzo”. When I am putting the title in the header
> (e.g., at the top of the score), I'd like it in a single line; when
> it’s used in the bookTitleMarkup and scoreTitleMarkup, I’d like it
> split [naturally] into its two lines.
> Of course, I could write it out in several different variables and
> manipulate each of them individually. Or I could fuss with
> non-breaking spaces and the like. But I’d rather not.
> I’d rather do something like
>     title = #'(Two Ukrainian Courting Tunes:" "A Minuet & Scherzo”)

Missing " in obvious place.

> and then be able to say
>     \markup \one-line \title

\line instead of \one-line

>     \markup \multi-line \title

\center-column instead of \multi-line

David Kastrup

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