Federico Bruni-5 wrote
>> \bookpart {
>>   melodyA = { a b c d }
>>   \score { \new Staff \melodyA }
>>   \score { \new Staff { e f g } }
>> }
> IMO \bookpart is the best choice for your use case.
> What prevents you from moving melodyA out of the \bookpart block?

Currently each \score block is in a separate file that I \include, and each
file also contains the variables for melody and chords for its \score. (Over
200 files. It's an existing collection that I'm updating to LilyPond 2.18
from 2.8 (!)).  Since each of these files is compilable as a stand-alone
file, it makes it easy to edit, print, and share them individually.  It's
easy to create files that contain any given combination of them, as needed.

Each \bookpart would contain includes for 2-3 of these files, so it would
require a major re-organization to get the variables outside of each
\bookpart.  And I think you would either lose the modularity of having
compilable individual files, or introduce a good bit of complexity trying to
preserve it...

I suppose one possibility would be to move the music and chords out of
variables and put them directly into the \score block in each individual
file.  Then using \bookpart would work because there would be no variables. 
(My cut and paste fingers would get a lot of exercise...)

Going back to ragged-bottom... it seems that what would be ideal here is a
way to allow LilyPond to _compress_ vertical spacing to fit on a page, but
prevent her from _expanding_ vertical spacing to fill up extra space on a
page.  Like a ragged-bottom that only went in one direction but not both.  


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