2014-02-23 16:58 GMT+01:00 Noeck <noeck.marb...@gmx.de>:
>> The question is where the _attachment point_ ("anchor") should be.
> Ok, I see. I don't understand the old one,

That's the point - it was placed somewhat weirdly :)

> but the new one seems to be
> the left edge of the note or the stem.

That's the horizontal point where the musical "moment" happens.
To use a metaphor: when you scroll the score horizontally, a note
starts playing when you reach its left edge.

note how the noteheads are aligned here:
\new Staff <<
  \override Score.NoteHead #'style = #'altdefault
  b'4 d''1 f''\breve
They are aligned to their "musical moment".  Does it make sense?
Hmm, i think it would be good to add this explanation to the docs.
Any heroes willing to tackle this?

> This looks like an improvement to me (if it still works for bar lines).


> The centre of the note head would be better for my feeling, but normal
> text also has this left edge behaviour.

That's the matter of alignment, not the attachment point.  My rewrite
of the self-alignment interface (which is waiting on my desk for a
year now....) would make adjusting this easier.  Maybe you'd like to
finish my work?


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