Thomas Morley <> writes:

> 2014-02-23 7:26 GMT+01:00 Javier Ruiz-Alma <>:

>> NR led me to overriding the beam font-size to cause the 16th beam to engrave
>> thinner and with smaller gap between them (as graces do).  Beam, although
>> documented to support the font-size interface, doesn't seem to be affected
>> by overrides to this property:

Beam is documented to support the font-interface which happens to
include a font-size property.

> \relative c' {
>     \once \override Beam.beam-thickness = #0.2
>     \once \override Beam.length-fraction = #0.3
>     %% Uncomment if wanted/needed:
>     %\once \override Beam.positions = #'(-1 . 0.4)
>     d16 e f g
> }

Still begs the question why Beam has the font-interface.  It does
override the font-family with roman.

Where would that be used?

David Kastrup

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